Not everything is an expression

“Everything is an expression” is a slogan of several programming languages, particularly those descended from the Lisp family. It is meant to contrast with languages that distinguish statements from expressions, such as Python, Javascript, and C.

Favoring expressions over statements can simplify code. Instead of the bulky:

if increment:
    do_something_with(x + 1)

you can write:

do_something_with(x + if increment then 1 else 0)

However, this is not an essay about the benefits of replacing statements with expressions.

Rather, I claim that not everything is an expression! The idea that there are only expressions ignores the importance of other syntax classes. I believe Lisp macros are underpowered because of this ignorance.

1 What are syntax classes?

By “syntax class” I mean concepts like expression, statement, declaration, module, pattern or variable: the top-level categories in an overview of the language’s syntax. These often form distinct types in our language’s abstract syntax tree, and correspond with semantically interesting nonterminals in its grammar (as opposed to those which exist to specify banal syntactic details like operator precedence, where commas go in a list, or the format of numeric literals).1

To demonstrate, I’ve colored the following (rather unidiomatic) Python code by syntax class, with expressions in red, statements in blue, declarations in purple, and patterns in green:

def twice_last(seq): last, *rest = reversed(seq) return last * 2

Different syntax classes represent distinct concepts:

This is not an exhaustive list. These classes are fuzzy. Different languages treat them differently. Many languages collapse two or more into one category. Lisps don’t distinguish between statements and expressions; Python combines statements and declarations; Haskell lacks statements entirely. Some languages (Prolog, Forth, sed, SQL, BNF) aren’t easy to describe using these classes at all!

2 The power of patterns

Most mainstream languages only have very simple patterns. But in some languages, particularly those descended from the ML family, patterns are quite powerful and pattern-matching is a core construct. Some examples, in :

fibonacci 0 = 1 fibonacci 1 = 1 fibonacci n = fibonacci (n-1) + fibonacci (n-2)
sum [] = 0 -- list is empty sum (x:xs) = x + sum xs -- list is `x' followed by `xs' -- Finds all adjacent pairs: -- adjacent [1,2,3] == [(1,2), (2,3)] adjacent (x:y:rest) = (x,y) : adjacent (y:rest) adjacent _ = [] -- Searching a binary search tree data Tree = Empty | Node Int Tree Tree inTree x Empty = False inTree x (Node v l r) = case compare x v of -- matches on (compare x v) EQ -> True -- x = v, EQ for "equals" LT -> inTree x l -- x < v, LT for "less than" GT -> inTree x r -- x > v, GT for "greater than"
fun fibonacci 0 = 1
  | fibonacci 1 = 1
  | fibonacci n = fibonacci (n-1) + fibonacci (n-2)

fun sum [] = 0
  | sum (x::xs) = x + sum xs

(* Finds all adjacent pairs:
 * adjacent [1,2,3] == [(1,2), (2,3)] *)
fun adjacent (x::y::rest) = (x,y) :: adjacent (y::rest)
  | adjacent _ = []

(* Searching a binary search tree *)
datatype tree = Empty | Node of int * tree * tree
fun inTree x Empty = false
  | inTree x (Node(v,l,r)) =
    case (x,v)
     of EQUAL => true
      | LESS => inTree x l
      | GREATER => inTree x r
let rec fibonacci = function
  | 0 -> 1
  | 1 -> 1
  | n -> fibonacci (n-1) + fibonacci (n-2)

let rec sum = function
  | [] -> 0
  | (x::xs) -> x + sum xs

(* Finds all adjacent pairs:
 * adjacent [1;2;3] == [(1,2); (2,3)] *)
let rec adjacent = function
  | (x::y::rest) -> (x,y) :: adjacent (y::rest)
  | _ -> []

(* Searching a binary search tree *)
type tree = Empty | Node of int * tree * tree
let rec inTree x t = match t with
  | Empty -> false
  | Node(v,l,r) -> x == v
                || inTree x (if x < v then l else r)
fn fib(n: int) -> int {
    match n {
    0 => 1,
    1 => 1,
    n => fib(n-1) + fib(n-2),

fn sum(l: &[int]) -> int {
    match l {
    [] => 0,
    [x, ..xs] => x + sum(xs),

// Finds all adjacent pairs:
// adjacent(&[1,2,3]) == vec![(2,3), (1,2)]
fn adjacent(l: &[int]) -> Vec<(int,int)> {
    match l {
    [x, .. xs @ [y, ..]] => adjacent(xs) + &[(x, y)],
    _ => vec![]

// Searching a binary search tree
enum Tree { Empty, Node(int, Box<Tree>, Box<Tree>) }
fn inTree(x: int, t: &Tree) -> bool {
    match t {
        &Empty => false,
        &Node(v, ref l, ref r) => match x.cmp(&v) {
            Equal => true,
            Less => inTree(x, *l),
            Greater => inTree(x, *r),
(define/match (fibonacci n)
  [((or 0 1)) 1]
  [(n) (+ (fibonacci (- n 1)) (fibonacci (- n 2)))])

(define/match (sum l)
  [('()) 0]
  [((cons x xs)) (+ 1 (sum xs))])

;; Finds adjacent pairs:
;; (adjacent '(a b c)) == '((a b) (b c))
(define/match (adjacent l)
  [((cons x (and xs (cons y _))))
   (cons (list x y) (adjacent xs))]
  [(_) '()])

;; Searching a binary search tree
(struct node (value left right) #:transparent)
(define/match (in-tree x tree)
  [(x (node v l r))
   (or (= x v) (in-tree x (if (< x v) l r)))]
  [(_ _) #f])

Many language features are simply special cases of pattern-matching. We’ve already seen that Python’s tuple unpacking is a form of pattern-matching. Optional arguments and rest arguments (*args in Python & Ruby) are patterns matched against a list of arguments. Keyword arguments are patterns matched against a dictionary of arguments. if is just pattern-matching on booleans:

else { ELSE-CASE ... }

Is the same as:

  True -> THEN-CASE ...
  False -> ELSE-CASE ...

Many useful domain-specific languages are based on pattern-matching. Regular expressions express patterns of strings; sed and awk employ this to great effect. yacc uses a more powerful cousin of this idea, extending patterns to grammars. The OMeta language attempts to push the power of pattern-matching as far as possible in a general-purpose setting.

3 Pattern-matching in Lisps

Pattern-matching is not native to Lisp as it is to the ML family. Neither Common Lisp nor Scheme nor Clojure have a general-purpose pattern-matching form built-in, much less integrated into function definition.2

But adding language features is Lisp’s strong point: we can implement pattern-matching as a macro!3 As a toy example, here’s an if-match macro, where (if-match pat expr then else) runs then if pat matches expr and otherwise runs else. In :

(defmacro if-match [pat expr then else]
    ;; `pat' is a variable
    (symbol? pat) `(let [~pat ~expr] ~then)
    ;; `pat' is a literal atom
    (not (seq? pat)) `(if (= '~pat ~expr) ~then ~else)
    ;; `pat' is (cons A B) with subpatterns A, B
    (= 'cons (first pat))
      (let [[_ p-first p-rest] pat
            tmp (gensym)]
        `(let [~tmp ~expr]
           (if (not (seq? ~tmp)) ~else
             (if-match ~p-first (first ~tmp)
               (if-match ~p-rest (rest ~tmp) ~then ~else)
    :else (throw (Exception. "Unrecognized pattern"))))
(defmacro if-match (pat expr then else)
    ;; `pat' is a variable
    ((and pat (symbolp pat)) `(let ((,pat ,expr)) ,then))
    ;; `pat' is a literal atom
    ((atom pat) `(if (equalp ',pat ,expr) ,then ,else))
    ;; `pat' is (cons A B) with subpatterns A, B
    ((eq 'cons (car pat))
      (destructuring-bind (_ p-car p-cdr) pat
        (let ((tmp (gensym)))
          `(let ((,tmp ,expr))
             (if (not (consp ,tmp)) ,else
               (if-match ,p-car (car ,tmp)
                 (if-match ,p-cdr (cdr ,tmp) ,then ,else)
    (t (error "Unrecognized pattern"))))
(define-syntax if-match
  (syntax-rules (cons)
    ;; pattern is (cons A B) with subpatterns A, B
    [(_ (cons p-car p-cdr) expr then else)
      (let ((x expr))
        (if (not (pair? x)) else
          (if-match p-car (car x)
            (if-match p-cdr (cdr x) then else) else)))]
    [(_ pat expr then else)
      (symbol?? pat    ;; deep magic
        ;; pattern is a variable
        (let ((pat expr)) then)
        ;; otherwise, pattern is a literal
        (if (equal? 'pat expr) then else))]))
(require syntax/parse/define)
(define-syntax-parser if-match
  #:literals (cons)
  ;; pattern is a variable
  [(_ x:id expr then else) #'(let ((x expr)) then)]
  ;; pattern is (cons A B) with subpatterns A, B
  [(_ (cons p-car p-cdr) expr then else)
    #'(let ((x expr))
        (if (not (pair? x)) else
          (if-match p-car (car x)
            (if-match p-cdr (cdr x) then else) else)))]
  ;; pattern is an atomic literal
  [(_ (~and lit (~not (_ ...))) expr then else)
    #'(if (equal? 'lit expr) then else)])

(Of course, in Racket you could just use match, but now we’re getting ahead of ourselves.)

We can use it like so:

(if-match 0 0 true false)                 ; --> true
(if-match 0 1 true false)                 ; --> false
(if-match (cons 0 x) '(0 hi there) x nil) ; --> (hi there)
(if-match (cons 0 x) '(1 hi there) x nil) ; --> nil
(if-match 0 0 t nil)                      ; --> T
(if-match 0 1 t nil)                      ; --> NIL
(if-match (cons 0 x) '(0 hi there) x nil) ; --> (HI THERE)
(if-match (cons 0 x) '(1 hi there) x nil) ; --> NIL
(if-match 0 0 #t #f)                     ; --> #t
(if-match 0 1 #t #f)                     ; --> #t
(if-match (cons 0 x) '(0 hi there) x #f) ; --> (hi there)
(if-match (cons 0 x) '(1 hi there) x #f) ; --> #f

So far, so good. But consider: having defined my handy pattern-matching macro if-match, I’m stuck with whatever patterns I thought up when I wrote it. If I come up with new patterns, I need to rewrite if-match to support them.

This generates what I call the library problem. Suppose Hilary the Hacker writes a spiffy lazy stream library, while Charlie the Coder writes a fast B-tree library. Naturally, both want to support pattern-matching. They can either:

  1. Each implement their own custom pattern-matching macros. This duplicates work, defeats standardization, and makes it impossible to pattern-match on a stream and a tree at the same time.

  2. Bug me to include support for Hilary’s streams and Charlie’s trees in my if-match library. This introduces irrelevant dependencies, and over time, a big ugly monolithic ball of code will accrete.4

The whole meaning of modularity is avoiding this rock-and-a-hard-place choice between duplicating work and centralizing it.

4 Generalized macros

The problem with if-match is that it requires you to think of everything in advance — exactly the difficulty macros are supposed to solve! Macros are Lisp’s standard lan­guage ext­ension mechanism, and patterns are just a small, domain-specific lan­guage. So why can’t we just define new patterns as macros?

Here’s how this might work. Suppose we already know how to match the following patterns:

nil Matches an empty list.
(cons A B) Matches a list whose first element matches A
and whose remainder matches B.

It would be handy to have a pattern (list A1 ... An), which matches an n-element list whose 1st element matches A1, whose 2nd element matches A2, ... and so on up to An. For example, (list x 2 y) would match (1 2 3), binding x to 1 and y to 3.

I’m proposing that this be done using a macro for patterns, with something like the following mock- syntax:

(defpattern list [& element-pats]
  (if (empty? element-pats) 'nil
    (let [[p & ps] element-pats]
      `(cons ~p (list ~@ps)))))
(defpattern list (&rest element-pats)
  (if (not element-pats) 'nil
    (destructuring-bind (p &rest ps) element-pats
      `(cons ,p (list ,@ps)))))
(define-pattern-syntax list
  (syntax-rules ()
    [(_) nil]
    [(_ p ps ...) (cons p (list ps ...))]))

This solves Hilary and Charlie’s library problem: instead of rolling their own incompatible pattern-matchers, or asking me to rewrite if-match, they separately extend if-match using defpatterndefine-pattern-syntax. These extensions are pulled into scope when I import their libraries, just as a macro would be.5

This idea is not original to me: The Racket language’s match macro is extensible via define-match-expander. The optima library for Common Lisp exposes a defpattern macro as well. I don’t know of a Clojure library that uses this approach per se, but core.match is extensible in other ways.

Ultimately, this is a partial success story for Lisp. ML-style pattern-matching can be assimilated and macro-ified. With some work, it can even be made macro-extensible. This design is not yet idiomatic among Lisps, but hopefully in time it will be. And in any language but a Lisp, would this kind of extension even be thinkable?6

5 DSLs as syntax classes

Hold on — isn’t this an essay about syntax classes, and how not everything is an expression? What does the design of pattern-matching macros have to do with that? Let’s rephrase our progress so far in terms of syntax classes:

Pattern-matching doesn’t just add a new kind of expression, it adds a new syntax class: patterns. The problem with if-match is that it doesn’t allow modularly extending the syntax of patterns. We already know how to modularly extend expression syntax: macros! By extending macros to cover patterns as well, we solve the library problem.

Now that we’re thinking in terms of syntax classes, the problem and solution have become much clearer!

But there’s nothing special about patterns. Many domain-specific languages are simply new syntax classes on top of an existing language. Microsoft’s LINQ adds a syntax class for queries, for example. Expressions embed queries to be performed, and queries embed expressions representing (e.g.) predicates to be filtered on or keys to be looked up. Parser-generators are another example: typically, we write parsing rules in a special syntax, like BNF-inspired yacc rules or PEG parsing expressions. Into these rules we embed semantic actions — expressions that run when a parse rule matches.

The canonical uses of Lisp macros are: 1. changing order of evaluation, 2. creating new binding or definition forms, and 3. making domain-specific languages. LINQ and parsing are clear-cut examples of case 3. But the obvious way to implement a DSL as a macro, as we saw with if-match, hard-codes the form of the new syntax class, giving up on extensibility. Because of this, I think Lisp macros aren’t good enough at making domain-specific languages.

Consider: Each of the pattern-matching libraries I listed above had to design and implement a extension mechanism from scratch — even though Lisp already has an extension mechanism: macros! And patterns are just one of many useful domain-specific languages we might desire. Introducing a new extensible syntax class shouldn’t require us to reinvent the wheel! Lisp doesn’t have a standard way to define new syntax classes, one which makes them macro-extensible by default. It should.7


  1. In Practical Foundations for Programming Languages, these are called “sorts”. I’d love to hear whether other textbooks have a name for this concept; perhaps I’m missing some piece of standard terminology.

  2. Common Lisp has destructuring-bind and Clojure has structural binding, but those don’t backtrack and can’t match literals (like 0 or 't), so you can’t use them for case-analysis. Scheme has syntax-rules and syntax-case (in R6RS), but they’re only useful for defining macros.

  3. Indeed, there are many libraries implementing pattern-matching macros. Here’s a pageful for Common Lisp. Clojure has core.match. Scheme doesn’t really have a library ecosystem, but here’s a file you can use. Many Schemes also provide their own libraries; for example, Racket has a powerful match macro in the standard library.

  4. Moreover, suppose Hilary’s stream library itself uses pattern-matching. Then we have a circular dependency: if-match depends on Hilary’s streams, and Hilary’s streams depend on if-match! Few languages support this kind of library-level mutual recursion.

  5. Of course, the devil is in the details: how is defpattern / define-pattern-syntax implemented? How does if-match ask what extensions have been defined via defpattern? How do we avoid namespace collisions? This article lays out some of the theory behind my approach to answering these questions, but I don’t have all the answers yet. See also footnotes 6 and 7.

  6. Actually, yes. Quite a bit of work has been done on non-Lisp languages with extensible syntax, most notably the SugarJ project. Moxy, the language I built at Hacker School, is another (as yet undocumented) example.

  7. In fact, once upon a time, PLT Scheme (the language which became Racket) did! It was called McMicMac, and I only discovered it after I was nearly done writing this essay. Its notion of extensible syntax class was called a vocabulary, and extensions were micros (by analogy with “macros”). It apparently had problems, however, and was replaced by an ancestor of Racket’s current macro system, which sadly lacks the ability to define vocabularies.